Monday, June 11, 2012

a looong weekend, brunching, karaoke, faux fur and a little bit of gold panning for good measure.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Well there goes another weekend; and a long one at that.  It seems the longer the weekends are – the quicker they seem to go; as I swear it really should be Saturday arvo right now.  Or at least I wish it was; as then I would still be at Sovereign Hill right now probably partaking in a gold mine tour instead of sitting here putting off determining the shopping list for the week ahead.  I hate the supermarket.  Strange, as I love all forms of shopping but the supermarket absolutely does not do it for me.  I hate the list where I always forget to write down one important ingredient and then forget to look at said list whilst in the store, the car park with the psycho drivers and pot holes in which psycho drivers speed through said potholes and spray me with dirty water, the trolley which will always have a bung wheel that wants to steer me directly into other people’s ankles or the delicately balanced tinned tomato display at the end of the aisle., the fact that they NEVER have any broccolini or red delicious apples left in the fruit and veg department, the never ending queue for the deli where they make you take a ticket and then start serving people regardless of ticket number or not, and even to the fake conversation you have with the hungover 14 year old at the counter who is looking (judging/smirking)through every single item in your trolley.  WAH.  Obviously I put this off for as long as physically possible; only the prospect of missing The Block spurs me into action and into the car.

So back to the weekend – it was super fab.  Friday night we checked out a new pub; and found a little piece of Northcote in our fair town.  Fab.  Saturday we met up with some Perth pals in Daylesford.  As usual,  the weather knew we were having visitors and turned on the charm just to showcase how wonderful life is up here – 7 degrees and misty rain it was.  Lovely.  We brunched at Cliffy’s (my new brekky fave – no skinny, no chai, no soy, no worries) – I did book; thinking that with a long weekend the town would be chockers.  SO lucky I did, we were the only table.  Oh.

we totally had pick of the tables

super eclectic and cute

view of daylesford from wombat hill botanic gardens

close up of the convent - amazing building

saturdays outfit: striped knit - Jeanswest | dark washed skinnies - Nudie | oversized faux fur vest - Alice + Olivia | black leather ankle boots - Seed Heritage.  dressed for WARMTH (whilst still looking cool :)

It is such a cute cafe - I can totally recommend.  Complete with grocer, so you can totally stock up on local jams and cheeses whilst you eat.  Perfect.

Next we perused up and down the main street of Daylesford – popping into this store and that.  Collective group purchases included a mustard pom pom scarf (friend) and a sachet of homemade spiced Chai tea (mine). Exciting times huh.

Next on the tour was Sovereign Hill.  Yes.  I know you have all been there for a school excursion long long ago; walking in it was like I had never left.  From the super long bowling alley that sounds like a plane landing with the wooden balls, to the ye olde hard boiled lolly shop (peanut toffee flavor - hello), to the Clydesdale–drawn wagon tours and even the bonnet-donned ladies working in the candle making factory everything is exactly the same.  There is a new mine ride – it involves mine carts and underground and fun and was one of the main reasons we wanted to go as we saw it on the block and were super excited but was completely booked out.  Bummer.  Instead we went goldpanning in the creek – not quite as exciting but I did manage to uncover a speck in my pan.  Would have cashed in for around five cents I am assuming; not exactly worth the freezing hands and damp feet that went hand in hand with said panning.

Action shots:
made it - oh yeah

lets get gold panning!

uh yes there was a pig there.  two of them actually.  not really sure why - but they were super cute

main street. check that gorgeous weather out.

this was the sold out tour.  next time

streetscape. its all very authentic

the camp. good to see the gold miners recycled.

A quick trip to the adjoining gold museum ensued; not so much for our interest in the museum content itself but more because entry was part of the overall ticket price and we wanted maximum bang for our $45 pop.  It was actually rather interesting; people are still finding nuggets out there today.  Was visualising investing in a metal detector and getting my gold prospecting on – bf was not quite as keen.

Next up was dinner at a local bar/lounge; the best mixed tapas share plate in town.  The boys located a pub playing the footy (and irish pub nonetheless).. one coverband song lead to another and the next thing I know we were at a dive singing karaoke – Empire State of Mind anyone? Right – time to get to bed.

The next day was rather quiet mostly due to aforementioned karaoke slash irish pub.  Involved copious amounts of heater laying, eBay shopping and Masterchef encore reruns.  Just what I needed.  Dinner was out at a new find; Kambei banquet with sashimi, tempura, miso soup, grilled kingfish and rice, washed down with Yuzu squash.  NOM.

And then we come to today.  BF is in the midst of buying a new car so a trip to Elwood was on the cards.  The sun was shining – so out came the sandals.  A little overexcited I must admit – I was freezing for most of the day.  This was today’s outfit:

jacket - Zara | raffia trimmed embroidered neck tee - Sass and Bide | ripped and patched jeans - Lee | washed blue leather sandals - Sportsgirl

BF loved the car so the deal was done.  Squeezed in a quick city trip – tucked into some yum cha, shopped for new Nudies for the bf (this really should win me an award in patience and virtue.  He is possibly the absolute worst clothes tryer onerer – especially when it comes to jeans.  Those are too tight, these have weird zips, these are a funny colour etc etc.  WAHHHHHH.  As payback for enduring this torture I headed over to Zara; another uneventful occasion.  Thanks to having just over $60 in the bank my options were limited; I found this woven casual crewneck with yoke detail – at $59.95 it can in right on budget.  And was the only one around.  Fab.  I was chuffed and lined up to pay – when I noticed red lipstick smudged all over the collar.  Bah – back to the shelf for you.  I left; empty handed.

So that was it.  The weekend.  I have endured the supermarket, cooked up a strifry, baked some muffins and am now keeping the couch, heater and the Voice company.

Not many purchases occurred over the weekend.  Only snapped up:

Seed Heritage fur covered leopard print ballet flats - $30.99 eBay.

Witchery latte striped silk blouse - $46 eBay. 

Whilst putting that pic of the shirt on – I stole it from the Witchery website.   Just noticed that it is now on sale for $39.95 – a whole $6 LESS than the price I paid.  Bummer.  Hate it when that happens.

Sold most of my eBay items - YAHHH.  There are still a couple to go.. if you are interested check them out HERE.  There are Acne pants people - ACNE PANTS!  Have almost raised enough to snap up this Catherine Leon jacket as seen in fashion blog 'What would Karl do' here:

She looks amazing.  Hunted it down - and here it is below.  $450 - can't go wrong.

LOVE it.

That’s about it findettes.  Weekend done.


Now I know my blog is about fashion finding.. and sometimes (like right now) I do deviate from this to reminisce about my weekend, my own purchases, basically any aspect of my freezing cold life but this blog IS (meant to be) ALL ABOUT fashion finds.. so if there is anything you want hunted down shoot me a pic and ill do all the hard work for you.. all wrapped up in a gorgeous personalized style finding package.  Hit me up – I am ready and waiting!!! And hopefully it will prevent me conducting my own fashion finds and ending up with an entire room full of clothes.  OH not that I am complaining...

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