Sunday, June 3, 2012

We're going to Bonnie Doon... for real!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

SO this weekend was the last weekend at Bonnie Doon.  Yes, all together now: 'We're going to Bonnie Doon'.  BF has a holiday house up on the lake that he built with his bare hands, and we have been going up there for the last three years.  Ahhhhh the serenity.  Apart from the sounds of the two stroke engines shooting across the water, the trills of the yobbos in the house three doors down, the ‘clunk clunk clunk’ of the cars crossing the bridge and the barking of the three standard poodles in their kennel run next door it is actually rather peaceful.

BF made the big decision to sell up (all on his own with little to no coaxing from myself) in order to hurry along the renovation plans on the Ballarat house.  This was the last weekend before settlement, so cleaning and packing was in order.  Oh JOY.

We arrived late Friday night (missioning through the fog at about 40ks an hour complete with attached monster trailer), just in time to catch the end of the football and blow up the air mattress.  Woot.  After a distinctly uncomfortable sleep, Saturday was spent in a convey over to my parents house in Bright – where we managed to offload most of the now unwanted furniture.  Whilst in Bright my stepmum and I negged our unpacking duties, and instead hurried off for a quick power lunch at the gorgeous vintage-inspired café Coral Lee.  Love it. 

That night we had dinner at the Bonnie Doon pub for the last time – if you are ever in the area I definitely recommend the bolognese covered parma (and only the parma – DO NOT eat anything else off the menu, and especially stay away from the salad bar. You have been warned). They have a whole electric blue theme going on; from the large patterned carpet to the napkins and even the fake flowers in the entrance area – totally worth a look in for seventies fabulousness.

Today (Sunday) was spent cleaning.  All morning.  I managed to nab the kitchen duty (woot. HATE cleaning bathrooms) and spent the next three hours scrubbing, washing and mopping; all the while decked out in my J Brand Houlihans and new Sportsgirl leopard print jumper.  Definitely appropriately dressed; at least I took of my Museum cream rabbit fur vest before the PineOClean came out.  Said goodbye to the house; it is the end of an era.  Farewell serenity.

Here are some action packed shots of the weekend that was:

Good morning Bonnie Doon. WAH. I think I went straight back to bed when confronted with this.

The fog is finally lifting.

My view.

The outfit for the day - new leopard pullover, Nudies and washed khaki.

BRIGHT. Home sweet home, or at least used to be.

Lunch at Coral Lee.  Vintage and fabulous.

Interior of Coral Lee.

Oh Bright. So pretty.

Cafe streetscape in Bright - how cute are the pink chairs?

Lake Eildon.  After the fog..

Yep - this is the ACTUAL CASTLE HOUSE.  It really exists.  And it is right next to the power lines. Hilarious.

Hows the serenity?

Sunset over the water - farewell Bonnie Doon.

No purchase details to be reported on, as there is no shopping to be had up in the Doon (unless you count the ‘We’re going to Bonnie Doon’ slogan tees available at the general store for the bargain price of $48.99).  Did snap up those Acne pants (FAB) and stumbled across this fabulous Catherine Leon coat as seen on fashion blogger WhatWouldKarlDo (visit her blog HERE) – here:

Never heard of Catherine Leon, but this coat is simply amazing.  Google produced the goods (as per usual) and she is an emerging Australian designer.  Visited her site – - and it produced the very same coat:

Catherine Leon ‘Napoleon’ coat - $450.  Love the grey marle teamed with the camel splices, and the draped oversized collar.  Have decided I need this, and am hurrying home in order to load up my eBay selling account to raise the necessary funds.  I am listing yellow Zara pants, red silk Winter Kate vest, Zara coated zip jeans, Country Road paneled coat, black Topshop duffle coat, Manning Cartell silk floral print dress, Arnsdorf silk blazer, Lanphi silk blazer and a washed silk Uscari cape.  Whew – big night ahead.  Will update with links once listed – just in case any of the items tickle your fancy.

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend xx


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