Saturday, June 2, 2012

taking back friday and printeriffic. did someone say ACNE pants?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

So I know we are all probably over Friday since we are drawing to the end of Saturday, but I missed a post and need to catch back up.  SO – getting in the continuum transfunctioner right now and teleporting us back to FRIDAY.

Hmm – is doesn’t appear that my memory joined me in the teleporter – as I actually cannot remember anything of note occurring on Friday.  OH.  Hang on, I did receive some parcels:

NARS delivery – thank GOD; foundation was running on empty.  How could I leave the house without ‘Punjab’ my face on?

Sass and bide ‘The Introduction’ pants – LOVE this print.  LOVE the outfits I have found on google containing said pants.  BUT – will I love them on me? Can I pull them off? Yet to be determined…. Stay tuned.  These may just be one of those (rather numerous) items that I buy to make my wardrobe look good, but never actually make it into an actual outfit.

And then… TADA the August Street ‘Native’ printed blazer delivery from The Iconic.  Super impressed, as I only place the order the day before.  24-hour delivery from Sydney – two massive thumbs up.  AND, absolutely love the jacket.

Something tells me I shan’t be wearing both together somehow….

Lunchbreak time, and a quick trip down to the smallest Sportsgirl in the world produced three v-neck tees (washed khaki, black and white stripe and grey marle) and a washed leopard print crew neck pullover. 

Totally addicted to washed out leopard right now.. I think I could go head to toe.

Casual chic.  All for $50.. how can you go wrong?  The sale started a few days earlier; and took up the entire front half of the store.  I could have gone to town in the shirt and knit jumper section, but after the week to date spending spree I thought I would hold back.  Show some restraint.

I can always come back next week.


Acne ‘Skin’ wet black high rise jeans with back zip.  In My Size.  Buy It Now - $130… oooooohhh tempted.  This would clear out my back account but OH they are super hot.  WAH.  Think I am going to HAVE TO click.  I don’t think I can control myself..

Oh so I forgot all about Friday’s outfit.  Here:

SO I have mentioned in a previous post my love for all things beige.  I think this outfit sums that up pretty much to a tee.  Not saying, mind you, that the outfit is any good – I actually changed the pants before leaving the house as ‘Saddle Club’ were the only words that were racing through my mind - equestrian chic was not really the look I was going for.  SO – outfit contains brand newbie Jeanswest shiny (?! – it is actually a bit shiny.  May have something to do with the polyester content of the ‘wool’ but we can look past that.  Cant we?) beige knit, teamed over a Seed Femme latte boyfriend shirt.  I initially had the J Brand nude skinnies as the bottom half, but then chickened out at the last minute and turned back to the too-big Zara wet look skinnies (complete with must have belt), and added the new Zara tweed boyfriend coat.  And then of course the EOS boots made the cut – really there has not been a pair of boots in the history of the universe that I love as much as these.  HONEST to god, I think if my house was on fire (uh touch WOOD) these boots would be going straight under the arm and out the door.

Right at this very moment I am sitting on a deck chair under the heater watching the football with a wet dog in a beanbag in an empty loungeroom in Bonniedoon.

Uh - yep.

Long story, ill update you all tomoz.

FFIFY xxxx

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