Thursday, March 1, 2012

testimonials - from the mouths of babes

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Hello findettes.  Not sure if any of you noticed - but I have added an extra 'page' across the top - called testimonials.  I just thought I would share with you all some of the lovely comments I have received as a result of my fashion finding... they really brighten up my day xxx more of a shameless self-plug than anything else hehe but the positive feedback I have received so far whilst just starting out is just too fab for words.
From the mouths of my findettes:

‘What a legend, what a fashion miracle! You rock my tiny world!!
Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I love that you took my central consideration of how (Miss S) will feel on the day and ran with it. I can't wait to show her!! You are just fabulous.
Many, many thanks’

‘Thank you sooooooo much !!!! haha i don't think i could say thank you enough for all ur hard work, your an absolute legend!!!
I'm sure il b in touch again soon ;)
il b spreading the word about ur brilliant blog

‘HI FFIFY – F*&*ing amazing! What service & great options. Thanks a bunch.’

Thanks so much for your package! It was so informative! And I love the first option you gave us.
I forwarded it onto my friend (Miss K), which I've heard has contacted you about another challenge!
I absolutely love your blog concept, I love reading your posts because we think the same way!
I've also made a new years resolution to only spend what's in my paypal cos my wardrobe is jam packed with clothes, accessories, you name it and I've probably got it! So I've recently gotten onto the ebay thing and I'm going to start selling my clothes to make room for more!
Another congrats on your blog! I love it and look forward to reading more!

My friend put you to the tricky task of finding the VB pleat bell shoulder dress on my behalf and I just had to write to say thank you so much for what you have put together. It's truly remarkable and very exciting! Not the fact that the VB dress has sold out, of course, but the fact that there are still some awesome options for me out there somewhere.
Thank you SO much for your amazing work on the VB dress. I'm seriously in love.’

What wonderful words - I am so so so so so so so grateful for these amazing comments xxx

Havent submitted a find yet? QUICk - what are you waiting for! It's totally worth your while.

Hope to hear from you soon my pretties


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