Thursday, March 8, 2012

where have all my clothes gone? and backstreet's BLACK.

Thursday, March 8, 2012
So I missed yoga last night - and I think my lack of weekly zen is to blame for this morning's shenanigans.  Getting dressed for work.  With an entire wardrobe room filled to the brim with amazing, fabulous, designer, chain store and vintage finds - the mere thought that I cannot find anything to wear astounds me (and I dont even WANT to know what bf would say).  And yet - this is me this morning.  And now - this is my wardrobe room.  Blazers, pants and tops are strewn about, covering the floor, chairs, desk and Suzanne, where they have landed haphazardly after being tossed in a mad panic.  HELP.  Things that went together only a month ago are no longer working, I cannot for the life of me locate half my shirts, and why don't I have any skirts that work for me right now?  Why is it that I only want to wear the same pair of Levi skinny waxed jeggings each day every day, and no other pants look any good whatsoever on?  Why do I no longer have any dresses at all; and the ones I can locate are only of the 'sheer mini worn over bikinis appropriate' variety?  WAH.  What is happening to me - I feel like I am falling apart.  Or that someone has replaced my fabulous. amazing, completely put together clothing selection with a totally random mish-mash of styles and items which look absolutely shite together. I closed the door for the first time this morning - I could not face the havoc I had wreaked on the poor, innocent and defenceless wardrobe room.

When my outfit looks bad - it completely destroys my self esteem, happiness factor and overall zest for life.  I would rather curl up in a ball under a doona then face the world in ill fitting pants, an 'inevitably crinkled from sitting' silk dress or colours which clash (and not in a super cool colour blocking way). So today - hiding under the covers seemed like the most amazing idea in the world.  And yet - here I AM.  At work.  Obviously life didn't work out in my best interests today. 

Alas - I am wearing clothes (surprisingly enough).  This is what I eventually settled on:

Today I lived by the mantra - 'When in doubt - go black'.  Black is the ultimate fashion fixer.  Feeling frumpy? Black smooths over all your lumps and bumps.  Feeling dowdy? Black is the ultimate in sophisticate chic.  If you have to impress the socks of the execs in the boardroom, or are having the the wardrobe day from hell, or if you need an outfit that is safe yet super stylish - black is your bag baby. Foolproof.

Today's outfit is surprisingly Sportsgirl-tastic.  Having been an avid Sporters fan for many years.. my interest in this fashion-frenzied chain has begun to wane over the last few years as my style and taste has evolved.  I still pop in to the smallest store in the universe in the local mall from time to time and nab many a cute shirt or three - but if heading down to the mega mall in the big smoke it is Zara I run to, instead of poor little Sporters across the way.  Today's outfit includes Sportsgirl black exaggerated button back top ($10 Camberwell market.  Haven't worn this one before - and just found that the shoulders are very exaggerated.  Feeling very 2009 - not particularly great), tucked into Sportsgirl super wide-leg palazzo pants ($45 in store on sale Sportsgirl.  I do love these pants - super deceiving with their whole 'am I or aren't I a maxi skirt? NO IM NOT' vibe going on).  Finished off with a Seed Femme aztec print scarf - which is matched back in tan loveliness with the fab D.Co Copenhagen tan caged wedges.  DONE *picture me wiping me hands in an all finished gesture here*.

AND you know what?  I match my pooch.  Here:

Black and tan kelpie - meet black and tan outfit. Cutie much? LOVE HIM TO DEATH.

UPDATE: so in the time it has taken me to bash out this post my beloved mailman has arrived - yipeee.  Here is what he has surprised me with today:

None other than the Bettina Liano jeans in rust.  FAB - just what I need to perk me up on this lovely morning.  AND LOOK - they match exactly with my extra strong coffee that is lurking in the see-through thermal cup in the background... another item which will also do wonders in the whole 'perking me up' area.  Yes - it is as strong as it looks.  Caffeine - my hero.

Give me 20 minutes and ill be buzzing off the walls. Guaranteed. WOOP.


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