Wednesday, February 15, 2012

regional victorian shopping uncovered

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
So there was no work today, hence no work outfit post.  I was called away due to a family illness; my presence was required a little closer to home.  A five hour return trip ensued, to an even more regional Victoria location from where I currently reside.  Echuca.  Lovely town (if you heart hot and dusty), but terrible circumstances for a visit.  Luckily I did get to make the best of it and squeeze in a little retail therapy between appointments.

So you may be thinking - retail therapy? In a town with 12500 residents? On a 38 degree day? Uh, unbelievably - yes, yes and yes. It was hot.  It usually is.  But there is *amazingly enough* some totally fab shopping to be found here.  Okay - so there are only four decent shop-worthy stores; but these four stores provide an excellent slice of the fashion pie.  The nominees are:

1. Sportsgirl. Pros - sale section.  The larger sizes seem to sell out here, and the store is always left with the smaller sizes in things that have sold out in metro stores which are now on sale usually with a percentage off discount. Snap. Cons - its gridded a D store in their store metrics, and thus only receives the base/volume range plus a few all store buys. In other words - don't be holding your breath for the vintage re-worked section as spotted in the flagship Bourke St Mall store.
2. Sussan. Pros and cons are basically the same as the above.  Don't screw up your nose (I am watching you!) - Sussan has some fab draped boyfriend blazers, tailored pants and linen tab sleeve shirts.  You would be pleasantly surprised at the gems that can be uncovered if you are brave enough to venture inside.
3. Prato. Pros - a small boutique which stocks labels such as Morrison (gorgeous quality WA designer label  - perfectly cut shirts and pants), Metalicus, Nique, Cooper St, Cotony and Very Very. Nice.  Cons - its expensive.  Even mid sale.
4. Honey. Pros - this is by far the best of the bunch.  Super cute little boutique located in a side street, between Big W and the fruit and veg market, just down from the ten pin bowling alley.  Uh - yes.  Location, location.  It stocks amazing Australian designer fashion - Manning Cartell, Ginger and Smart, Life With Bird, Woodford and Co, boots and LTB jeans.  Love it.  Sale time - even better.  Cons - did I mention its location?

So.  Amidst the dramas of the day I managed to nab the following items.  Flat-layed and instagrammed for your viewing pleasure.

OKAY so here is the breakdown - from right to left:
Printed pants - $45 on sale Sussan. Made from a gorgeous printed blue and beige patterned viscose, they are super comfy yet super cute.  Fab.
Beige pants (OH another addition to the BEIGE family) - $145 LifewithBird from Honey boutique.  SO these are an amazing beige/light peach colour in a silk/cotton mix.  Tapered high waisted fit, perfect rolled and cuffed at the bottom.  These will be a winner in the work wardrobe - outfits are being created as we speak.
Maroon shirt  - $49.95 on sale Sportsgirl.  SO - this shirt is the same cut and fabric as the three sleeveless Sportsgirl shirt I already owned - but in a fab new LONG-SLEEVED version.  Great.  I have been noticing a lot of maroon around of late - very nineties but if not teamed with floral, black or chambray denim I think I can get away with it.  Potential outfit - said shirt and aforementioned pants?
Caramel and navy striped skirt - $80 Sussan.  Not on sale - but had *borrowed* a gift voucher from mother dearest so really this baby was only $30. I had been eyeing this off in the local Plaza for some time now; and as expected, Sussan Echuca had my size. Woop. You know I love a stripe skirt.

So there you have it.  Not exactly the cheapest twenty minutes between family appointments - but a fab way to clear the mind (oh and the wallet it would seem).

What will make it into tomorrow's outfit?


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