Friday, February 3, 2012

when I grow up....

Friday, February 3, 2012
When you think back to when you were in high school, or perhaps even the later years of primary school - what did you want to be 'when you grew up?'.  Typical answers for girls of my age included occupations as varied as sporting heroes ('gymnast' and 'ballerina' were by far the most popular), to the high achievers ('doctors' and 'lawyers' and other parent-friendly aspirations) to even the now mundane but exciting at the time ('working in a shop' and 'bank teller' rated quite highly - seems everyone wanted to use the rubber stamp).  Me? Apart from 'Champion Equestrian rider' (yes I was a horsey girl) and 'mermaid' (I always had a firm grip on reality); I wanted to be a fashion editor.
Dolly was my magazine of choice (I was certainly not a Girlfriend girl).  Back when Miranda and Pia won the Dolly model competition, and when Niki and Krissie Taylor graced the covers, this was my world.   I would pour over the fashion pages - with key pieces from the likes of Very Very and other now-extinct Australian fashion labels - memorising the models names, who the stylists were and, most importantly, whether I liked what they had put together (whilst wearing a bodysuit, ribbed leggings, a crochet vest, scrunched socks and hiking boots myself).  I created a scrapbook of my fave editorials, and was always on the hunt for locations in which to shoot amazing fashion campaigns.

Fast forward 15 years - and *surprisingly enough* that dream has not been realised.  Instead of a high flying Sydney-based magazine editorial career, I find myself in regional Victoria in a position that couldn't be further from the aforementioned.  I am still a magazine addict; having thankfully moved on from Dolly (although even now I am still impressed with their fashion editorial) to the likes of Shop til you drop (my bible), Harpers and Marie Claire; whilst still dreaming of that long-forgotten career that I wanted so badly.

Here is a blast from the past:
That was my favourite cover ever. Oh and there was a Kristianna Loken cover where she was wearing a pink mohair jumper... loved it. God I wanted that jumper.

Moving on to current events - today is friday.  And friday is the last day of the working week. WOOP.

Here is todays outfit:

Today's outfit is another shirt and skirt combo. 'Just for something new?' I hear you say?  Well cynics  there is something new involved - thisis a shirt I bought from Queens Plaza Witchery on my recent un-sunshine state excursion.  I dont think I mentioned our little stop over in the Queen St Mall - loving the new Queens Plaza, poor old Brisbane Myer Centre is in desperate need of a renovation rescue and the mall itself is quite bogan and dodgy.  So: shirt ($39.95 on sale Witchery) - I have wanted this this the first moment I saw it.. but bided my time until I could nab it at this fab price; teamed with Sportsgirl stripe tube skirt ($70 in store Sportsgirl - this skirt is the perfect layering piece) with my new love D.Co Copenhagen tan wedges ($80 eBay - HERO shoes), finished off with one of the dollar dazzler tan skinny belts I nabbed at the Camberwell market.

So that is it.  Maybe one would see this blog as a long overdue creative escape for my pent-up fashion editor dream frustrations; or maybe its just my love of talking about clothes and fashion and myself.  Either way - I'm going to keep right on blogging. 

Happy friday!


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